Positron Emission Tomography/Computed Tomography in Central Florida
At Radiology and Imaging Specialists at Lakeland Regional Health (LRH), we offer PET/CT to our LRH and Central Office locations in and around Lakeland, Florida.
Positron Emission Tomography (PET) and Computerized Tomography (CT) are used together to evaluate the location of cancer within the body. PET performs the physiological (metabolic activity within the body) evaluation while CT performs the anatomical (structures and organs within the body) evaluation.
By evaluating using both technologies at the same time, doctors are able to precisely pinpoint the location of cancer, as well as to help characterize the cancer itself, with the convenience of a single scan for the patient. PET/CT can provide your doctor with sufficient information to make treatment recommendations.
The test usually takes about 30 minutes and is more accurate than either test performed individually.
Preparation Instructions
You will be given instructions at the time you are scheduled, either by your physician or our office. Please arrive at least one hour prior to your scheduled scan time. Avoid eating for 4-6 hours prior to your appointment and drink only water up to the time of your appointment. Consuming any substance other than water may interfere with the results of your test. Avoid exercise and unnecessary physical activity on the day of your test.
What to Expect
Your blood sugar levels will be tested prior to your scan. You will then be given a special radiotracer by intravenous injection. The radiotracer will take approximately 60 minutes to travel through your body and become absorbed by the organ(s) or tissues being studied. You will lie still and avoid both movement and talking during the scan.
After the scan, you can resume normal activities, including driving and eating, unless instructed otherwise. Please drink plenty of fluids to help expel the radiotracer from your body.
Also, it is advisable to stay at least 10 feet away from those who may be pregnant, as well as children under 18 years of age, for at least 24 hours.
The Radiology and Imaging Specialists at Lakeland Regional Health team is with you every step of the way through these tests. We are here to make you comfortable during your time with us and will always have your comfort as our top priority. If you have any questions about our PET/CT technology, please contact our Lakeland office at (863) 688-2334. We also provide CT scan services to patients in Lakeland Regional Health, at our Central Office in Lakeland, FL.

Providers please call our Scheduling Specialist at 863-688-2334 x 260 or fax an order to 863-581-8819.